Vibro Catalogue


Elevate your construction projects with premium aggregates.

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Washed River Sand

Washed River Sand is soft and fine material, ideal for creating a level surface on which to lay pavers. It can also be used as lawn dressing, for drainage, and in concreting.

Plaster Sand

Vibro Plaster Sand is a fine and smooth material, specifically designed for plastering applications. It’s fine texture ensures a smooth and even finish, making it perfect for interior and exterior plastering projects.

6.75mm Crusher Sand

6.75mm Crusher Sand is a versatile aggregate that plays a crucial role in construction projects due to its consistency, strength, and wide range of uses. It's 100% recycled material, making it an eco-conscious choice for construction needs.

4.75mm Crusher Sand

Our 4.74mm crushed slag aggregates offer a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for your construction needs. Comprised of 100% recycled materials, these aggregates are carefully processed to meet strict quality standards.

9.75mm Crusher Sand

Crafted from 100% recycled materials, our 9.75mm Crusher Sand presents a dependable and eco-friendly option for your construction projects. It's applications include road base construction, concrete production, drainage systems and landscaping.

Screed Mix

Screed mix is a specialised construction material for smooth, flat surfaces in concrete applications. It combines cement, sand, and water in precise proportions for optimal consistency and workability.

G5 Sub-Base Material

G5 Sub-Base Material ensures the structural integrity and durability of roads and paving, making it an indispensable element in infrastructure development.

Mix - Ungraded Filling

Ungraded filling aggregates are cost-effective construction materials for civil engineering projects, comprising a mix of various-sized particles, from small grains to larger stones, without specific grading or size specifications.