Vibro Catalogue


From classic to contemporary, our diverse selection of kerbing designs offers the perfect complement to any architectural style.

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C900 Mountable

300 X 125 x 100 - This kerb has an almost flat surface with a 25mm difference across its 300mm width and is typically used for traffic calming measures or in conjunction with other kerbs

Barrier Kerb (fig 2)

250 X 125 - This kerb has the most commonly used ‘Half-battered’ profile. This more vertical face offers a type of ‘barrier’ to motorists sufficient for them to be aware that they are dangerously close to the edge.

Barrier Kerb (fig 3)

300 X 150 x 125 - This kerb has the most commonly used ‘Half-battered’ profile. This more vertical face offers a type of ‘barrier’ to motorists sufficient for them to be aware that they are dangerously close to the edge.

Barrier Kerb (fig 5A)

300 x 75 x 62 - This kerb has the most commonly used ‘Half-battered’ profile. This more vertical face offers a type of ‘barrier’ to motorists sufficient for them to be aware that they are dangerously close to the edge.

Barrier Kerb (fig 5B)

300 x 100 x 75 - This kerb has the most commonly used ‘Half-battered’ profile. This more vertical face offers a type of ‘barrier’ to motorists sufficient for them to be aware that they are dangerously close to the edge.

Semi Mountable (fig 7)

280 x 180 x 140 - This kerb has the ‘Splayed’ profile which is preferred in those situations where a vehicle may need to ‘bump up’ onto a verge in an emergency. These should not be used when a footpath is present adjacent to the road.

Mountable (fig 8B)

300 x 175 x 75 - A heavy load duty kerb, typically used in commercial / industrial developments. This type of kerb can be used in conjunction with Barrier Kerbs.

Mountable (fig 8C)

300 x 200 x 100 - A heavy load duty kerb, typically used in commercial / industrial developments. This type of kerb can be used in conjunction with Barrier Kerbs.

Edge/Channel (fig 10)

100 x 250 - This kerb is a light to medium duty bull-nosed edge restraint normally used around islands in parking areas with light traffic conditions.

Edge (fig 16S)

150 x 210 - This is a low level bull-nosed edge restraint normally used at bus lane stops for ease of entry onto BRT busses. The kerb is also used in low-level lane separation between bus lanes and normal traffic.

Rectangular Industrial Kerb

75 x 230 - This kerb is used for light to medium duty edge restraint along walkways and in drive ways to form a permanent but moveable (not fixed) edge along a paved area.

Rectangular Garden Kerb

75 x 150 - This kerb is normally used in light duty edge restraint along path ways. The kerb is installed flush with the pavement and is only concreted should there be any vehicle traffic onto the pathway.